I've heard nothing but great things about the show MAD MEN, but for whatever reason it never made it onto my radar. One thing that I DO know about the show is that Christina Hendricks is in it; and as television actresses go, it's nice to see a female sex symbol with real feminine curves in all the right places. At a time when the Katherine Heigels and Jessica Biels are starving themselves to fit some arbitrary bullshit "heroin look" (if you don't believe me, check out Katherine Heigel's first spread for Maxim and Jessica Biel's spread for Gear online), I'm glad to see that Ms. Hendricks and the creators of MAD MEN are going against type.
So what do you think? Am I crazy? Am I right on target?
I want to hear from the ladies out there, too! LET ME KNOW!!!
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As a woman with many curves, not exactly in all the right places but curves nonetheless, I couldn't agree with you more. It's even worse when you consider that the camera adds about 10-15 pounds. Imagine what the actresses/skeletons must look like in person if they look gaunt in Maxim!
ReplyDeleteDoes the carpet match the curtains ????????
ReplyDeleteThat Molly Ringwald bf club deep red hair just does it for me , the curves are just a bonus.
Half half whoooole
ReplyDeleteThanks a million for posting this, im so sick of these skinny girls always being the center of attention. She is beautiful and have a real body with curves and confidence, great role model image wise for young girls screw that for every female that felt guilty because they couldnt fit into a size 2 dress!