Let's play a little game, shall we?
(1) Get a bag of marshmallows, like a bag of those old-school Kraft burn-on-a-stick-because-you-left-it-in-the-campfire-too-long-type big-ass marshmallows.
(2) Fit as many marshmallows as you can in your mouth without (A) choking to death; (B) throwing up all over the place; or (C) being unable to breath.
(3) With the marshmallows in your mouth, read the following to yourself in a normal, steady pace:
One- Mississippi
Two- Mississippi
Three- Mississippi
Four- Mississippi
Five- Mississippi
Six- Mississippi
Seven- Mississippi
Eight- Mississippi
Nine- Mississippi
Ten- Mississippi
Eleven- Mississippi
Twelve- Mississippi
Thirteen- Mississippi
Fourteen- Mississippi
Fifteen- Mississippi
Sixteen- Mississippi
Seventeen- Mississippi
Eighteen- Mississippi
Nineteen- Mississippi
Twenty- Mississippi
Twenty-One- Mississippi
Twenty-Two- Mississippi
Twenty-Three- Mississippi
Twenty-Four- Mississippi
Twenty-Five- Mississippi
Twenty-Six- Mississippi
Twenty-Seven- Mississippi
Twenty-Eight- Mississippi
Twenty-Nine- Mississippi
Thirty- Mississippi
Thirty-One- Mississippi
Thirty-Two- Mississippi
Thirty-Three- Mississippi
Thirty-Four- Mississippi
Thirty-Five- Mississippi
Thirty-Six- Mississippi
Thirty-Seven- Mississippi
Thirty-Eight- Mississippi
Thirty-Nine- Mississippi
Forty- Mississippi
Oh...wait a second...I forgot a few things. You also have to make sure that you:
(1) spit out the marshmallows;
(2) are bound securely to an approximately 4'x7' inclined bench with your feet elevated;
(3) are covering your forehead and eyes with a cloth;
(4) have a soaking wet cloth lowered until it covers both your nose and your mouth;
(5) have water continuously applied to the cloth (which is still covering your nose and mouth) from a height of twelve to twenty-four inches for 20 to 40 seconds.
(6) say a small prayer that it's only going to happen once, because one full application of this could last up to TWENTY minutes (according to a memo from The United States Office of Legal Council in 2002).
THAT is water boarding.
THAT...ladies and gentlemen...is torture.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: water boarded 183 times in March 2003 (approx. 6 times/day)
Abu Zubaydah: water boarded 83 times in August 2002 (approx. 2-1/2 times/day)
I'm not saying that these were innocent men. Far from it.
But we're the UNITED fucking STATES OF AMERICA! We're better than this. We have to be...we NEED to be! Because even if you're okay with this...even if you feel like the United States shouldn't take the high road...remember this:
If we torture, we're giving the rest of the world "blank check" to do the same to our people.
Our sons...daughters...nephews...nieces...grandsons...granddaughters...wives...husbands...friends.
We're better than this...
*Lao-Tzu (Tao Te Ching)
With respect to those who formulated those legal decisions, I would say that is more of an opinion for the Attorney General...
ReplyDeleteI have a REALLY big issue with the idea that things aren't wrong or illegal if WE do them, but they are if others do. We prosecuted Japanese soldiers for it...we've signed several international declarations against it...even the U.S. Department of Defense revised its Army Field Manual to prohibit the use of water boarding.
ReplyDeletethat looked scary as shit, being a spy is going down on my list of dream jobs , save that water boarding for 007,.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Ray - sounds kind of kinky to me.
I remember waking up one morning not-so-recently, to a phone call from my mother. she was crying into the phone and telling me to turn on the news. i remember watching buildings burn... innocent people jumping a hundred stories to their death to escape the fiery inferno inside... these people paid the ultimate sacrifice for trying to attain the American dream, trying to cut themselves a piece of the American Pie... they all died at the hands of men possessed by a religion and hell-bent on destroying your way of life. Your freedom infuriates these men so much that they will end their lives to prove their point; the ones in Guantanamo. The only difference between these detainees you weep for, and the pilots in those planes, is the detainees missed their flight. They were caught before they could kill us, you, your family...
ReplyDeletei remember sitting in front of the Mansion at FDU, watching the choking cloud of debris choke the not-so-distant horizon. I thought about what i would have done to those bastards if i had the chance.
if you could've pulled the pilots of those planes out, right then and there... that VERY day... would your level-headed arrogance let them walk away?
I am no right-wing wacko. i am a moderate-liberal who wants to see change in our great nation. I just find it a bit ironic, how everywhere you turn you see "Never Forget" etched into sidewalks, and taped into car windows, but it seems like all we've remembered is to buy more fucking bumper stickers...