Well, clearly my body decided to not hold up its end of the bargain and basically abandoned me a little after 4a.m. this morning. Perhaps the biggest lesson I gained from this is that if you're agonna' pull an "all-nighter," you should at least make sure that you get more than four hours the night before. Sorry I wasn't able to follow it all the way through but I intend to finish strong.
I REALLY LOVE DONG THIS SITE AGAIN...AND I HAVE ALL OF YOU WHO'VE BEEN READING AND POSTING TO THANK FOR THAT!! I let a lot of personal and professional drama keep me from doing what I love to do: write. As much as I have TREMENDOUS respect for those who write fiction...the ability to create your own worlds and universes for you to "play in" is one of the most fascinating aspects of the creative process... I find myself endlessly fascinated by the world around me. Just look at the issue of "Men & Women" and all of the endless dialogues that can be had on why we "do" what we "do." The best part, though, is that writing gets the conversation started. I've always been a big believer that most of the day-to-day problems in our lives could be settled by exchanging three honest and direct sentences with those we have issue with. We don't have to keep following "The Same Old Script" day in and day out. By writing...by talking...by communicating what we truly feel we can move past the "stereotypes" that each of us (whether we realize it or not) sometimes finds comfort in embracing like a warm, wool blanket.
So that's why I do this...and why I'll continue to keep doing this. So sit back...buckle up...and enjoy the ride! It may get a little bumpy at times...there may be some sharp turns and sudden drops along the way...but aren't those the things that make Life kinda' cool? ;-)