Apparently, there's this "misconception" going around that I look at our President through rose-colored glasses...that I can only see his attributes and not his faults.
Not true...dear citizens. Not true. What I AM doing is still lovin' the idea that we have a President who (even if you don't agree with his politics) you can look at and go, "Wow. Now he could easily be the smartest man in the room." The previous eight years? Ehhh...not so much. And deep down, I know both sides of the aisle believe that.
But President Obama isn't perfect. The two things that come to mind are:
(1) Removing the "Don't Ask/Don't Tell" Policy and putting an end to DOMA. In fact, he's been draggin'-ass on alot of issues impacting the LGBTT community. Patience doesn't last forever...and he shouldn't assume that this wouldn't impact him and other Democrats in the future.
(2) Dismissing outright even the consideration of legalizing marijuana as a new cash-crop and long-term economic stimulus. And for those of you lookin' to get on your "high horse"... I'll listen after you find a way to justify keeping alcohol and cigarettes legal but pot isn't. Hell, even Governor Schwarzenegger has commissioned a state survey to examine the economic benefits of legalizing it. Don't be "THAT guy"...you're daughters will love you for it later. ;-)
...Yea, I mean, there's a ton of people saying that he doesn't deserve the Nobel Prize because he "hasn't done anything"...I agree to a certain extent, but he still has a lot of great plans and has already proved his "peace-making" skills somewhat by bringing an entire nation together to vote for him so.....hata's can suck on his presidential bawlz!!!...I'm not gonna touch the gay issue, but I kno for a fact that no matter how many people in the world want it...., being the first Black president, there is NO WAY IN HELL I would want to be held responsible and forever known as "The guy who legalized weed"...Yea u'd be popular wit the stoner culture, but just the idea of millions of drug users,dealers, and criminals sitting wit a big ol kool aid smile on, rubbing their hands together during inauguration, makes me think...what am i getting myself into...Then there's the stereotype factor..."Oh, of course the BLACK GUY is gonna legalize marijuana...whats next National Fried Chicken & Watermelon Day"....no way Jose....