GOOD NEWS: I managed to stay awake from 8:00am Saturday until 11:08pm Sunday (minus a brief 20 minute crash sitting at the computer at around 4:12am Sunday morning).
BAD NEWS: Thanks to some major issues involving Blogger, Windows LIVE Writer and the connection I have between Twitter, Facebook and my blog, a HUGE chunk of my time was spent trying to figure out at one point they all met to conspired to fuck me over. I'm FINALLY getting my regular posting abilities back, as well as all the bells-and-whistles that come along with it.
"THE 24 HOUR '...BCMD!' RANDOM POSTING MARATHONAPALOOZEFEST " afforded me the opportunity to create some interesting posts on a wide range of personal and definitely-not-so-personal topics...but "The Wonders of Modern Tech" brought me crashing back down to earth. But I'm learning quickly that that's part of the game when you're looking to build-up something like this ( anyone out there with suggestions should feel more than welcome to post their thoughts in the "COMMENT" section. I's the holidays: sharing IS caring.)
So a big, fat, wet, sloppy, might-have-to-get-checked-for-rabies "THANK YOU" to those who jumped on board or who've been on board the whole time. I'm working on better tech and software so that problem doesn't happen again, and the posts I have archived will need to be tweaked a bit but you'll be seeing them over the next several days...though I'm not sure if that's a promise or a threat.
Ausgezeichnit! ;-)
apology accepted..