I know it was some time ago that I "promised" a posting dealing with women, just to show my brethren in The Order of the Penis that I can be an equal-opportunity offender. Since we're in the middle of Women's History Month, I thought now would be as good a time as any to turn the conversation toward the "fairer sex" (sorry...I couldn't think of a more antiquated and outdated expression to use). So what I want to do is put out there some thoughts, some observations, some questions...both open and rhetorical...and see where this all can take us.
Let me begin with a little background...
I love women.
I don't mean that in some sleazy, Rico Suave-type of way. I love women because they are so different from men, and it's those differences that really fascinate me. I know that may not be some profound revelation...what with that whole "men-are-from-Uranus-and-women-are-from-Cleavland" touch-feely bullshit from years ago...but I definitely think it's worth examining. I grew up with five older sisters and a stay-at-home Mom, so being around women my entire life kinda' "indoctrinated" me into what to expect...from bloody tampons in toilets and trying to hide that first cigarette from my folks to "gentlemen suitors" coming by the house and those moments when I watched my Dad grow just a little bit older as each of his "little girls" left the house for good. It's all of these moments...and oh-so-many more...that helped me to become a better man now that I'm older. Women are not the "weaker sex" that need to be coddled and protected from all of the "Big Bads" in the world, and should be treated as complete, 100% equals in any and all aspects of life.
Having said that...I'd be lying if I said that there weren't some fucked-up things out there that I just don't get about you ladies so I'm hoping from some insight from "both sides of the aisle," so to speak...

*Take a second and look at the two pictures above. I'll wait...
This is Lindsay Lohan, and I wanted to use these two pictures to demonstrate a "truth":
Don't believe me? Just take a look at what's going on in the magazine business. For YEARS, Maxim owned the monthly sales charts because they would feature a wide selection of diverse women who looked great AND looked like they had a meal every now and then. Once they decided to shift to a more "fashion magazine" style (with a shift in the models used), their sales took a hit from long-term readers. Now in the United States, you've got Maxim and Playboy with poor sales and Stuff, FHM and other magazines discarded on the scrap heap. The men's magazine's doing well? Smooth and King. Why? Because every month, they feature a vast cornucopia of multicultural goodness in ALL shapes and sizes. Yet somehow this "urban legend" still continues...
Lindsay Lohan...Katherine Heigl...Jessica Biel. Three famous women who began their careers curvy and beautiful, but who fell victim to THE CONSPIRACY. What's "The Conspiracy," you ask? Well, simply put, it's...
(It's in code...I don't want The Illuminati coming after me!)
There's nothing sexier than a confident woman...regardless of her size or shape. It reminds me of a Chris Rock joke I heard one time about the difference between overweight white and black women. A black woman will go out with a hot outfit, full accessories and an attitude of "You'd-Be-Lucky-To-Fuck-Me-Tonight" while a white woman will buy the first shapeless dress that will fit her and sit in the back of the room drowning her sorrows in Ho-Ho's. Ladies, when you meet another woman on the street you need to stop automatically viewing her as the enemy. There is strength in numbers, but women will not continue to keep moving forward if this "vagina-on-vagina violence" continues.

*PLEASE stop using sex as some kind of thing to barter with, like it's the 1200's and you're willing to trade your hoo-hah for some magic beans and a goat. That "he'll-only-get-this-if-he-does-that" approach only works because men are a lot more decent then sometimes they're made out to be. If we weren't, we'd take you up on that dare and find someone who'll put out for a WHOLE helluva' lot less...probably your best friend!
And since we're here, let me let you in on something else:
If you exchange sex for money...you're a prostitute.
If you exchange sex for going out to dinner or getting the lawn mowed...you're a cheap prostitute.
If you exchange the POSSIBILITY of sex (even though you know it won't happen) for free drinks, dinner, movies, etc...you're a cheap prostitute who's also a cock tease (depending on your preference).
If you have sex because you enjoy having a healthy sex life...you're human.
While some women find that "empowering" and blame the man for being "too stupid," what it also does is change that man inside so that when he goes out the next time he's a bit more defensive...maybe even a little more cynical in a "I'm-gonna'-do-what-I-need-to-do-to-get-mine" kind of way. Sometimes we're so caught up in this need to come out on top that we forget the "scorched-earth" attitude our actions can leave behind in someone else.

*Please stop using the phrase "bad boy," and PLEASE stop with this douchey belief that somehow your love is the answer to a question that he really has no intention of asking. A guy who drives a motorcycle, smokes pot and blows-off your dates because he's "so close" to beating the high score on Super Mario Kart is not going to change...even if he tells you he will and even goes through the motions as if he has. I hear women say that it's "dangerous" and "arousing" messing around with a "b** b**" (I told you I won't use the phrase), and that's great! Get yours, sister! Just spare us the whole "all men are dogs" bullshit when...not if...things fall apart.

*I believe in 100% equality between men and women, but it does beg a few questions:
(1) When we say equality, are we talking FULL equality? A woman can propose to a man? Men should no longer feel it necessary to open a door or give up a seat for a woman? "Dutch treat" or woman pays on the first date? Do women's tennis matches move to being "best-of-five"?
(2) Are we in a position as a society to say that there are some things biologically that men are better at and other things that women are better at?

*Ladies, you HAVE to pick a stereotype for us and stick with it. We can't be "brainless dogs-led-around-by-our-dicks" and "shady-dogs-using-every-trick-in-the-book-to-get-some-ass." We can't be brain-dead and a super villain at the same time, so please choose and get back to us.

*I keep hearing about how we should have a woman in The White House and in higher leadership offices, and I completely agree. The problem is that you need to find a candidate that you would actually be willing to support. I know that President Obama wouldn't have won the Presidency without support from a cross-section of the population...but somewhere between 95%-96% of African Americans who voted in the 2008 elections voted for him. We can argue whether or not high percentages like that are a "good thing" and what they may signal but one thing's for DAMN sure: this is a perfect example of a group throwing their support behind someone who is qualified AND who visually represents them.

*If you ask us questions, we're going to give you answers. If you don't like the answers, then don't set us up with the questions.
YES...there's a damn good chance your ass looks lousy in those pants.
YES...eating that ice cream will cause you to gain weight.
YES...your best friend is a whiner going through self-inflicted drama.
YES...it's important to watch certain games live and...
NO...it's not the same watching it on the DVR five hours later.

*I watched my Dad go through this several times in one form or another, and as someone who hopes to spawn at some point before he shuffles off this mortal coil I'd like all of the ladies out there reading this to know one thing: THERE IS NOTHING MORE HEART-WRENCHING FOR A FATHER THEN WHEN HIS DAUGHTER SAYS OR DOES SOMETHING THAT BRINGS HOME TO HIM THE REALITY THAT SHE ISN'T HIS "LITTLE GIRL" ANYMORE. It's things like that that can drive a man to get hair plugs, buy an Astin Martin and get a twenty-year-old girlfriend by the time they're forty-five.
I'm going to leave things there for now, though I have this feeling in my gut (or maybe it's my testicles...I should get that checked) that there's going to be a "Part II" to this. So let me know what you think, and don't forget that there are a few ways for you to comment:
TWITTER: deliciouscows
FACEBOOK GROUP: ...Because Cows Make Delicious!
Not to set myself (or anyone else) for an obvious joke (Ray and I think those are SO pedestrian ;)), but...
ReplyDeleteYES, YES, YES!!! That post on women is right on. I'll obviously have to take your word for the idea that men like women with curves (though I've always hoped and forced myself to live operating under that belief despite all the hateful media), as a woman, I agree with everything else 100%.
Regarding the 100% equality thing, I'm of the mind that we should all have the chance to try something or throw our hats in the ring to be considered for something (a position/job etc), BUT Yes, of course, there are going to be situations where IN GENERAL (I believe that there is an exception to every rule, but generalities do exists and exist for good reason) there are situations where a man or a woman are biologically better suited and that's okay. We need to stop getting up-in-arms about EVERY LITTLE THING. It hurts real, productive discussion on issues that could use a little intelligent discussion. To your specific questions:
A woman can propose to a man? Absolutely
Men should no longer feel it necessary to open a door or give up a seat for a woman? In general, yes.
"Dutch treat" or woman pays on the first date? Without a doubt
Do women's tennis matches move to being "best-of-five"? Not if there is no one complaining now.
Best of all, this post made me laugh-out-loud multiple times (Now, now, what did I say about obvious...). That is ALWAYS good.
ReplyDelete"CHUCH" as the prophet SNOOP DOGG once said..
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ReplyDeleteLists keeps me organized but this is an interesting post for cows, this is the bulls take on it:
ReplyDelete1. I would have me some fire-crotch in both the lean and meaty variety. Again maybe the red just does it for me.
2. After watching Tom Hanks kick some anagram ass; I made an attempt on your CODE, and I discovered :Women-Whore-Mind. I think I am on to something. . ...Now i'm searching for THAT special women.
3. "vagina-on-vagina violence" better noted as Vag on Vag; or spelled phenetically Va-gsh, the gsh should sound like a french person pronoucing the jea in jea-n. With that cleared up; Are you hoping to put an end to scissoring?
i hope not, what will anyone watch late-night on there computer ?
4. Ah the olde arte of Barter; I once got some hoo-hah for a Live Strong Bracelet, but i dont know if that topps magic beans.
5. i thought having the lawn mowed was a pre-req for sex.
6. i believe in equality too and want an idependent women, who can pay her own bills, and most important lift and lower her own toilet seat.......
7. If i had to pick i would rather be reffered to as the "Bull-that-uses-every-trick-in-the-book-to-get-some-ass".....
Cause i do..*Note the Live Strong Bracelet.
This was such an amazing blog post. I'm totally passing it on. :P It sums up much of what is going on with women today. The societal influences, equality issues, image issues, etc.. are really right on. Except I would disagree with the fact that they are so different men to an extent. Women and men are in many ways more alike then people seem to think, it is just that societal influences build many differences between the sexes.
ReplyDeleteYay for curves, but also yay for skinny, if that is what is natural for that person. Remember that is stigma involved with being skinny as well. (Although less clearly apparent).
oh Lohan... enough said.
Really though this blog is so great. I love your writing style, and how you relate the world to your own personal experiences.
- Jocelyne
A woman holds her tongue knowing silence will speak for her.