Whether you're here for the first time or kind enough to give this site another chance, it's nice to know that you're taking some of your precious time to peep what I have to write. Much appreciated.
So why "COW-A-THON 2009"?
To be honest, I've been in a "bit" of a writer's block for the past few months. Let way too much personal and professional drama screw-up my creative drive...but I'm pretty damn sure it's back. So for my own sanity...and as a big "THANK YOU" to those who rode around with the site in the past. So let's get this baby rollin'...
The hourly postings are gonna' take on a wide variety of formats...but I figured with twenty-four hours to go I should pace myself a little bit. So let's start with some randomly submitted questions...
Can you prove wrestling is fake?
Yes. In fact, the WWE actually posts job listings for writers to create story lines. Even stranger, Freddie Prinz Jr. is actually employed by the WWE for just that thing.
Having said that... NO ONE should call into question the athleticism and skill that you have to have to perform and live the life of a professional wrestler. This is a PERFECT example of what can go wrong when a move just doesn't work out.
What do you think about the David Letterman extortion plot and sex scandal?
As long as there are no HR/legal issues coming out of it, I honestly don't see what the big deal is...I really don't. In fact, I think politicians should take a page out of Letterman's playbook: he went to the authorities, he came out and addressed it, he's made fun of himself to offset any outside attacks. In the end, he's gonna' come out of this better than ever. Hell, it gives him an "edge" in a lot of women's minds right now. He's had a helluva' PR team working for him...they deserve every penny they get for this one.
Who's your favorite superhero and why?
Superman. He is the true personification of a hero. He comes from a home that he can never return to, trying to fit in on a world that will always be strange to him. Yet with all of his power and strength...he chooses to humble himself by living the life of a man while protecting this planet from all that would do it harm. He doesn't ask for thanks or gifts...his satisfaction is knowing that people can sleep at night with a sense of hope. Yet for all of that...you can't help but feel that small bit of loneliness hiding just behind the smile. Yup...DEFINITELY Superman.
Why is it that guys like girls calling them "Daddy"?
Gotta' be honest with 'ya...I think that shit's a little weird but to each their own.
Though now that I think about it...being called "papi" WOULD be fuckin' hot... Hmmm...
Back in a little bit... ;-)
honestly, david letterman should change his name to SPIN DOCTOER
ReplyDeleteits all about timing.. call me DADDY on a sunday morning while eating breakfast and thats just freaking wierd
ReplyDelete...& I just wanna kno what Lettermans wifey thinks of all this...he is still married isnt he?....plus, how dis old dude baggin all the women...I must need to step my game up...
ReplyDeletewhether or not the wife of a successful man leaves depends on what she thinks her financial state will be if she leaves...go ahead and cuss me out ladies but you know it's true.. The ones that leave right away are the ones that can recite their prenup agreement.
ReplyDeletefor some its not that they will be poor.., but they figure Im better off if i stay around.. cus then the money won't run out.. I always think back to Michael jordans wife.. they were ready to bounce on each other, but I am sure she was in the salon one day and one of her stank friends looked at her and said "bitch are you stupid, we talking Michael Jordan here...get your ish together"
ReplyDeleteDude... the question was "Can you prove wrestling is NOT fake?"
ReplyDeletevincebracy.com: It's all about the power and confidence. It looks like Letterman's got a lot more mojo and swagger than anyone thought! LOL
ReplyDeleteI still want to know why is it hot to be called papi... *cannot get it*
ReplyDeleteyou know.. I had to come back because I keep thinking about what you said/wrote about superman... I do not like him much, but I can see your point.
ReplyDeleteFor me, he is not exactly what I would call 'humble'... It is as if he is trying too hard to fit in with two completely and all-too-extreme personalities that are hard to relate to. Ok, I admit, he IS the epitome of 'superhero' but I dunno, there is just something that bothers me which I cannot point out... And this is the reason why I love Frank Miller's 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns' in which he is not exactly a bad guy, but you can see some darkness within.. :-)
Well, with all due respect to Frank Miller he does tend to be one of those creators who feels that you have to trash Superman for the sake of building-up Batman. I personally think that's a lazy way of going about it. They're both sides of the same coin...they complement each other. There's a reason they've been called "WORLD'S FINEST" for so many decades. I could never understand why it seems like if you like one then you have to not like the other. Just as much as Superman could become a puppet of the government, that's how easy it would be for Batman to cross the line from fighting crime to trampling on individual rights for his own sense of "greater good."